a quote from orson scott card

“When you have wisdom that another person knows that he needs, you give it freely. But when the other person doesn’t yet know that he needs your wisdom, you keep it to yourself. Food only looks good to a hungry man.”

– From Orson Scott Card’s “Xenocide” p 396.

* this post was originally posted on my tumblr. 4 months ago. / こちらのブログは、自身の tumblr. にて4ヶ月前にアップしたものになります。

I’ve been pretty busy to read as much as I want to, so it’s taken me 10 months to read the first 2/3 of this book, and 1 week to read the rest.  But I came across this caption at the perfect moment.  Well, a moment too late, as I had just found myself blurting out thing something that I should keep to myself—which I find myself doing quite often in my life.  Sometimes it gets me in trouble, sometimes it gets me “the look” from a very honest friend, or yelled at by family.

But coming across this part of the book, came as the perfect lesson taught by Orson Scott Card.  You never learn something more than by reoccurrence.  Usually you learn a new word [INPUT], and then you use the word in your daily life for it to really stick in your brain [OUTPUT].

This is something that I’ve slowly but hopefully surely will make stick in my brain… as nearing 30…. I really do need some growing up to do.







[d.i.y.] more about garlands

one more blog about flag garlands.

there are so many different styles of flag garlands. my last d.i.y. was about the type that the flags don’t move. for parties and garlands that have letters on them, i like flags that are moveable. it’s easier to adjust the space between the letters when decorating! here are two types that i’ve made before.


フラグガーランドは色々な種類がありますよね。前回の d.i.y. は和紙テープで固定されたタイプを説明しました。個人的には、紐を通して動かせるタイプが好きなんです。特にパーティーや文字付きのガーランドの場合、フラグの間隔を調節して飾れるのが便利です!以前に作ったタイプ2種類を紹介します。

two hole punch garland

1. the easy peasy two hole punch type. / 超簡単穴あけパンチタイプ。

when making your garland, just make sure to leave space for the holes! you can punch the holes before cutting out the triangular shape (or just use rectangular flags).

hidden string garland

2. the hidden string type. / 紐隠しタイプ。

see below for photos. all you need are scissors, tape, and straws. cut the straw to the top width of the flag and tape! i don’t recommend glue as plastic straws can fall off easily. just string the flags and voila!

process 1
process 2
process 3

[d.i.y.] flag garland

those cute little flag garlands have been around for a while, and have also been popular for quite a while. so why d.i.y. now? because i’m sure the world can use one more.

ガーランドはしばらく流行っていたりするけど、なんで今更 d.i.y. を??と聞かれても、、、あっても良いんじゃないかな??

LET’S START! / 始めよう!

what you need / 材料:
water color paper / 水彩画用紙
newspaper / 新聞紙
water colors (i used acrylic) / 水彩絵具(アクリル)
adhesive stickers to make patterns / 柄をつくるための貼ってはがせるシール
scissors / ハサミ
ruler / 定規
washi tape (the length of your garland) / 和紙テープ適量(ガーランドの長さ分)

garland process 1
1. i decided to make a watercolor garland for the colorful yet soft feel. / 水彩ガーランドをすることによって、優しくてカラフルな色合いに仕上げてみました。

garland process 1-2
to make fun patterns, i made good use of old old old post-it tape and circle labels that are barely adhesive anymore…. / しばらく使っていない付箋テープとサークルラベルを利用して面白い柄を作ってみました!

garland process 2
2. after painting both sides and letting it dry, cut 8cm × 10cm rectangles. a third of them i cut isosceles triangles out of, leaving me with a bunch of half triangles. / 両面とも塗ってから乾かし、8cm × 10cm の四角に切る。1/3は、二等辺三角形を切り出し、残った欠片をとっておく。

garland process 3
3. using the half triangles from the last step, tape two pieces together with washi tape to make more isosceles triangles. pairing different patterns and colored washi tape makes fun accents flags! / 和紙テープで余った欠片を2枚ずつ使って二等辺三角形を作る。違う柄と和紙テープを組み合わせることでアクセントフラグができます。

garland process 3-2
cut off the washi tape ends. / 最後に和紙テープの余った部分を切り取り、形を整える。

garland process 4
4. arrange flags so they are within the lower half of the washi tape. it’s better to have the flags within rather than on the halfway line for a clean finish later. there’s about 1~2 cm between the flags. / 1〜2cm間隔で和紙テープにフラグを置いていく。和紙テープの幅の半分以内に配置すると、和紙テープを折り返す時に綺麗に仕上がります。

garland process 5
5. fold the washi tape over after laying about 4~5 flags at a time. / フラグを4〜5枚置いたら和紙テープを折り返す。

garland finished
FINISHED! / 出来上がり!

there you have it! a quick and easy project, great for birthday parties, weddings, baby / bridal showers, or just to make for fun. / 簡単ガーランドでした!お誕生日会、結婚式、ベビーやウェディング・シャワーにいかがでしょうか??

garland finished 2

[d.i.y.] thank you favors

thank you favors are a must for weddings, bridal showers, and baby showers. a small but sweet appreciation gift for your guests who took their time to come out and celebrate with you. there are many ways to wrap your gifts. i would like to share a simple and slightly different way of tying that finishing touch!


LET’S START! / 始めよう!

what you need / 材料:
gift bag(plastic or paper) / ギフトバッグ(プラスチック/紙どちらでも)
1 twist tie / ワイヤータイ
scissors / ハサミ
ribbon (7mm width / 76cm long) / リボン(7mm幅/長さ76cm)
gift tag (optional) / ギフトタグ(お好みで)

favors process 1
1. after filling the gift bag, fold bag vertically in an accordion fold. see next photo for folding details.

accordion fold
tuck the edge of the bag between the “v” of your thumb and pointer finger. use your folded thumb to create the first fold, and fold the bag over with your middle finger. release your thumb to join the first fold with the first edge. create the next fold.

favors process 2
2. use the twist tie to temporarily close the gift bag.

favors process 3
3. using the ribbon, make a 39 cm band. if using a gift tag, string it through here.

favors process 4
4. pull ribbon over gift bag. bring the bow and gift tag to the front.

favors process 4-2
twist the ribbon once to create a cross. this step keeps the ribbon from falling off.

favors process 4-3
pull the ribbon over the front bow and/or tag.

favors process 5
5. fold and hold the accordion folds once again. creasing isn’t necessary.

favors process 6
6. create a scalloped edge. side view: cut the folds altogether in a semi-circle. see next photo.

favors process 6-2
favors process 6-3
remove twist tie & FINISHED! / ワイヤータイを外して、出来上がり!

favors back
back view / 後ろ

favors complete

with this you have a handmade, heartfelt “thank you”.
これで手作りの「thank you」の気持ちをお贈りください。

*** other useful tips / その他の注意点

– the twist tie isn’t necessarily needed, but it helps to have in the process.

– depending on the contents of the bag, the length needed of ribbon will vary. start with a longer length of ribbon and at the end of step 4, pull the bow forward and re-tie the bow.

– after removing the twist tie, it will be a loose closure. this adds to the overall soft finish.

asahi gardener skateboard design

* this post was originally posted on my tumblr. 4 months ago. / こちらのブログは、自身の tumblr. にて4ヶ月前にアップしたものになります。

a post about one of my favorite works so far.  yesterday, hanging out with my friend, akira, we talked about the skateboard i designed for him.

it all started last year, when he asked me to design his company logo.  his kanji character for “akira” is also read as “asahi” (sunrise).  and for his birthday this year, i took a blank skateboard, and designed a double-sided “asahi gardener” skateboard.


庭師をしている彼に、昨年「ロゴデザインしてよー」って言われて、、、まだ自信の欠片もない時期でしたが、旭(あきら)=「あさひ」とも読むんだよ〜 と、立ち上げた会社の名前の説明をしていてピンと来たデザインでした。今年のお誕生日プレゼントに「asahi gardener」ロゴをスケートボードの両面にデザインを入れてみたのです。

the process / プロセス

the top side, i painted a blue to yellow gradient in acrylic.  it had been a few years since i last held a paint brush… / 表面は、久々に手にした筆で旭グラデをアクリルで。

grip tape
for the grip tape, i cut out his logo by hand (hand cutting curves on grip tape is quite a challenge). / ザラザラのグリップテープからロゴを切り抜きました。(正直、紙ヤスリと同じような材質をカッターで丸く切り抜くの、、、大変でした。)

matte black
for the bottom side, i went simple with matte black. / 裏面のテーマはシンプルで存在感大なマットブラック。

and if anyone hasn’t noticed yet, i really do love using my cutter.  this also was a painstaking process, cutting around the logo on masking tape. / カッター作業が大好きなのです。ゆっくり慎重にマスキングを切り抜く作業。

but there’s something about stenciling and spray paint that gets me excited!  i often stencil and spray on fabrics, but it all really started in junior high when i met spray paint at the craft store.  (i literally went to the craft store once a week.)  / スプレー缶とステンシルは、本当にあがります。学生時代からお洋服に使用していましたが、始まりは中学校。毎週のように通っていたアート材料を売っているクラフトショップで出会ったのです。

black and white

i honestly can’t pick sides since that matte black touch has captured my monotone heart…. but sunrise gradient peeking through grip tape is priceless. / どっちが好きかと聞かれても、選べないです。モノトーン好きな私からして、マットブラックのカッコよさがなんとも言えないんだけど、グリップテープから見える旭グラデも良いんだなー。。。

polaroid save the date

it’s that time of the week!  #tbt/#fbf to this save the date from 2012 i designed for a “polaroid” themed wedding. / #tbt/#fbf の時間です!2012年にデザインしたポラロイドテーマの save the date ハガキ。

– “polaroid” photos are instagram photos taken by the bride / 「ポラロイド」写真は新婦の撮ったインスタグラム写真

– the couple’s “song” lyrics are hidden in the postcard / カップルの記念の歌の歌詞が隠れています

– beige background is a scan of textured cream colored paper (“save the date” and hearts are cut outs and show the textured background) / ベージュの背景は凹凸のある紙をスキャンして使用(「save the date」とハート達は黒背景から切り抜いて背景を見せている)

asian themed wedding program

in honor of throwback thursdays and flashback fridays, i want to post my past wedding item designs on fridays, japan time (which would mean it’s #tbt somewhere else in the world).  and to start them all, here’s the very first wedding program i designed, which was for my brother’s wedding.

最近 sns のおかげで #tbt(スローバック・サーズデイ)や #fbf(フラッシュバック・フライデイ)というハッシュタグが流行っています。その旋風に乗って、これまでの私がデザインしたウェディングアイテムを金曜日(日本時間であれば、世界のどこかでは #tbt or #fbf になるはず)に紹介したいと思います。まず最初は、初めて作ったウェディングアイテム、兄のウェディングプログラムです。ウェディングプログラムとは、日本語で言う挙式の式次第の事です。


the groom is japanese, the bride is chinese.  since both have kanji (chinese characters) names, i knew from the get go, to start with kanji stamps.  although the wedding was in the states, since i live in tokyo, it was easy for me to have these stamps hand-crafted at a local stamp store here. /  新婦は中国系アメリカ人なので、両家とも漢字の名字があるため、ハンコが最初のデザインポイントでした。ウェディング事態はアメリカで開催されましたが、私自身は日本に住んでいるので、事前にデザインを考え、ハンコ屋さんに作っていただけました。特に中国語のお名前は、時には日本の漢字に存在しない事もあるので、今回はこちらが難点でした。

tools used: pearl card stock in purple & lime green / printable pearlescent paper in off white (it smudges!  so be careful not to touch the ink until it dries!) / organza ribbon in bronze / clear emboss stamp ink / gold emboss powder / emboss heater / stamps / rubber cement

使用材料:パールカード紙 / 印刷できるパール紙(印刷時に滲みやすいので、乾くまで触らないように!)/ オーガンジーリボン / エンボススタンプインク / エンボスパウダー / エンボスヒーター / ハンコ・スタンプ / ラバーシメント