as i will be out on a business trip, my ETSY and CREEMA shops will be on vacation from sunday, june 26th to wednesday, july 6th. please come by again from july 7th!
please keep an eye in july for this teepee. i have yet to decide on which shop to sell it on!
my ETSY and CREEMA shops will be on vacation from Thursday May 19th to Tuesday May 31st. I will be back full force on June 1st!
Father’s Day is right around the corner (June 19th), come back to the shops in June and order your Father’s Day cards in time 😉
i can’t believe it’s already been a week since last friday!!! this past week was “golden week” in japan, where a string of national holidays + the weekend make an extended vacation week. i try not to leave the house during this time, because out-of-towners from all over japan and the world crowd the whole city. in fact i always recommend to friends planning to visit from overseas to avoid this time of may. that said, since it is officially friday in japan, here’s this week’s #tbt #fbf post! explaining something a little different at japanese weddings.
first, to explain a little about seating charts in japan. in western weddings, a seating chart may be found at the entrance into the wedding reception and guests find or are handed a name card with the table number of where to sit. in japan, all guests are handed something called a sekijihyo (or “seating chart”), which tells them exactly where to sit (not only the table number but also the exact seat, at which their name card will already be placed). this seating chart has all the guests’ full names, relation to the bride and/or groom, and if the guest is a work acquaintance, their job title as well.
no matter the country or culture, the great thing about being a wedding item designer is that i can be creative, have fun, and see my clients and their guests enjoy the creativity.
I’ll be going on vacation next week. my ETSY and CREEMA shops will be on vacation from Tuesday April 14th to Friday April 24th. I will be taking orders until Monday the 13th!
Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and deliveries made the first week of May may be delayed due to back-to-back Japanese national holidays
* this post was originally posted on my tumblr. 4 months ago. / こちらのブログは、自身の tumblr. にて4ヶ月前にアップしたものになります。
a post about one of my favorite works so far. yesterday, hanging out with my friend, akira, we talked about the skateboard i designed for him.
it all started last year, when he asked me to design his company logo. his kanji character for “akira” is also read as “asahi” (sunrise). and for his birthday this year, i took a blank skateboard, and designed a double-sided “asahi gardener” skateboard.
the top side, i painted a blue to yellow gradient in acrylic. it had been a few years since i last held a paint brush… / 表面は、久々に手にした筆で旭グラデをアクリルで。
for the grip tape, i cut out his logo by hand (hand cutting curves on grip tape is quite a challenge). / ザラザラのグリップテープからロゴを切り抜きました。(正直、紙ヤスリと同じような材質をカッターで丸く切り抜くの、、、大変でした。)
for the bottom side, i went simple with matte black. / 裏面のテーマはシンプルで存在感大なマットブラック。
and if anyone hasn’t noticed yet, i really do love using my cutter. this also was a painstaking process, cutting around the logo on masking tape. / カッター作業が大好きなのです。ゆっくり慎重にマスキングを切り抜く作業。
but there’s something about stenciling and spray paint that gets me excited! i often stencil and spray on fabrics, but it all really started in junior high when i met spray paint at the craft store. (i literally went to the craft store once a week.) / スプレー缶とステンシルは、本当にあがります。学生時代からお洋服に使用していましたが、始まりは中学校。毎週のように通っていたアート材料を売っているクラフトショップで出会ったのです。
i honestly can’t pick sides since that matte black touch has captured my monotone heart…. but sunrise gradient peeking through grip tape is priceless. / どっちが好きかと聞かれても、選べないです。モノトーン好きな私からして、マットブラックのカッコよさがなんとも言えないんだけど、グリップテープから見える旭グラデも良いんだなー。。。