s+h wedding items
– H A P P Y F R I D A Y ! ! –
this week’s #tbt #fbf post is the final one of the S+H series. i will be introducing the miscellaneous pieces that i made! it was such an honor to be asked to work on this wedding and it will always remind me why i enjoy helping in the preparation of wedding events.
今週の #tbt #fbf は S+H シリーズ最終になります!これまではペーパーアイテムを中心にご紹介しましたが、今回はその他のものをご紹介します。この結婚式に携われて本当に光栄で、改めて振り返るとウェディングイベントのお手伝いをする楽しみを思い出しました♫
– t h e g u e s t b o o k –
the couple had found guestbook inserts at a store, but wanted to change the cover to match their wedding theme and colors. so i made use of my high school book binding class, and sewed together some linen and cotton twill to make this cover.
– d o g c o l l a r s –
there were three dogs in the wedding party. mr and mrs S+H had a dog named Sakura (whom has sadly passed away, but is now looking over them in heaven) and two of the bride’s dogs from home. the white one was a tuxedo collar for the boy dog, and the orange ribbon’s for the girls.
S+H ウェディングには、3匹のワンちゃんが参列されました。新郎新婦の愛犬のさくらちゃんとご新婦さまのご実家のワンちゃん2匹です。(優しくておっとりしたさくらちゃんはその後亡くなられましたが、今は天国からまんべんの笑みで見守っている事と思います!)白いタキシードの首輪は男の子用、オレンジのリボンは女の子用です。
– t h e w e l c o m e b o a r d –
this is a mock-up of the welcome board / seating chart. i covered a board with the linen used for the guestbook, and printed the table letter labels on muslin. the photos are the groom’s own photography (i totally think he should be a professional photographer! who’s with me??) and you can see their beloved Sakura in one of the photos. see the following photo for a better look! i used green cord (also used to bind their wedding programs seen in my past post) to decorate.
– t a b l e l e t t e r s –
here are the table letter cards handed to guests. on the backs of these cards are a simplified map of the venue. / ゲストの皆さまにお渡しされたテーブルアルファベットになります。裏面には会場のマップを印刷しました。
– t h e m e n u –
here we have the menus. likewise with the previously mentioned invitations and programs, letterpress brings warmth and depth to a simple design. / こちらはS+Hさんの念願の活版印刷メニュー。招待状と式次第と同様、活版印刷の存在感と温かみを活かした厚紙を使用しております。
– f a v o r g i f t b a g s –
yes! these are handmade gift bags! i also designed these stamps and used fabric-safe ink to stamp each one. to have a truly handmade / homemade wedding brings such happiness and feeling to the special occasion. it was a lot of work, but to see their happiness was definitely worth every seam!