2015 new year’s resolution
* this post was originally posted on my tumblr. in january 2015 / こちらのブログは、自身の tumblr. にて1月(2015年)にアップしたものになります。
new year’s resolution.
to better myself, physically, mentally, and career-ly.
last year, i was able to start creating a foundation for my career. this year i will put it into shape.
in japan, in place of holiday greeting cards, we send nengajou (new year’s greeting postcard) to friends, family, and clients to arrive on new year’s day. my last job of 2014 was designing a nengajou for a wedding planner friend.
as a designer, there’s jobs where i just can’t think of a great design, and there’s those that i have a genius moment that hits me with the perfect vision. this job was the latter. i was so excited to receive the postcard in the mail. like every one of my paper item designs, my projects aren’t complete until i see the finished product on paper. and especially when they are letterpress, even more excitement.
欧米では、クリスマスを含む宗教的なホリデーが12月に集中します。そこで、11月末の感謝祭を過ぎたら、一斉にホリデーカードが送られます。基本のメッセージは「Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!」と新年の挨拶もそこに含まれるパターンが多いです。日系人の私は、両方の習慣を楽しめることが大好きです。ホリデーカードのデザインと年賀状のデザインがかぶって大忙しですが、どちらも届くのが本当に嬉しいのです。
that said, have an amazingly fantastic 2015.