design / デザイン

[creema] patchwork tee pee for kids & pets [NOW ON SALE]


drumrollllllllllll / パンパカパーン〜

after much anticipation……… / 遂に・・・・・・

the patchwork teepee is NOW ON SALE on my creema shop!

パッチワークテントが完成し、creema にて発売いたしました〜!!


the idea started when i had a leftover ikea curtain material that i wanted to put to good use 🙂 the curtain was just enough fabric to make a full teepee! i patchworked my favorite fabrics and used a chic gray alphabet pattern + chambray to keep it adult-aesthetic-friendly. it was a great challenge but tons of fun to make. i made a second one for keeping or leasing out. (feel free to email me if you are interested in leasing)


check out the 1/10th scale model! / 1/10模型です?

come visit me in my CREEMA shop! peace . love . tokyo

CREEMA ショップをご覧ください!peace . love . tokyo

H A P P Y  S U M M E R !

my 2020 olympic emblem

for the 2020 tokyo summer olympics, the japan olympic committee decided to ask the general public for emblem designs. i have been exploring and expanding my artistic abilities this year and i decided to let this be another challenge on that path. unfortunately, i didn’t make the shortlist, but i feel i did my best work that i could at this moment. as for the next step, i plan to enter more contests in the near future.


my tokyo 2020 olympic games emblem design
i n s p i r a t i o n : ukiyoe, overcoming the tsunami (disasters), connecting with the world beyond the waters (borders)
イ ン ス ピ レ イ シ ョ ン : 浮世絵、災害からの復興、海(国境)を超える

my tokyo 2020 paralympic games emblem design
i n s p i r a t i o n : traditional japanese fireworks, rising above expectations, exceeding limits
イ ン ス ピ レ イ シ ョ ン : 伝統芸術の花火、期待を超える、自身を超える

[creema] denim + wool + knit upcycled clutch bag [SOLD OUT]


my most recent handmade item, is this upcycled clutch bag! there are only two in this world and i am so proud of them (only one will be sold)!! there’s a little story behind them that i want to share with you today 🙂


i teach english on the weekend, and one of my students and i talk about the importance of making clothes last (or rather he made me realize so: see my 2016 resolutions!). he tells me how he wears his clothes until they are worn thin and even then, he uses them as rags before tossing them. (side note: in japanese history, when materials and food were scarce, kimonos were used the same way: resized to fit children, upcycled into handbags or accessories, and eventually used as rags.) except, until this sweater–100% alpaca wool and made in ireland, it was the best quality–whose wool made him itchy and was unwearable. he told me that he had thrown this sweater away! i asked him immediately if it was still salvageable and fortunately it came into my hands.

after fashion college, i used to work for an italian clothing brand, where i was allowed to take home unneeded denim from pant alterations. i decided to combine this and the sweater to make clutch bags. two more things were needed though… instinctively i knew that pinstriped wool would be spectacular with it PLUS an “a-ha” moment led me to hand-weave a lemon yellow friendship bracelet specifically for the bag.





i added these super cute floral pin badges from the POOL AOYAMA (which closes tomorrow, march 21st, 2016 *GASP*) and “OMG” light-bulb brooch from niko and…. / 私のには、the POOL AOYAMA(明日、2016年3月21日閉店なんですー T^T)のピンバッジとniko and…の『OMG』電球バッジをつけて、ポップにしました。

the lemon yellow and silver friendship bracelet, lightens up the otherwise dark clutch, so it’s usable in the spring. denim and knit goes well with casual looks, while pinstripes go with cleaner minimal outfits. / レモンイエローとシルバーのミサンガでダークめのクラッチバッグが一気に明るくなるので、春使用でも全然使えます!また、デニム+ニットでカジュアルに、ピンストライプでキレイめにと様々なコーディネートで活躍するワンポイントになります。

in this illustration (by yours truly) / イラスト内のアイテム(私作です♥) :
short sleeved shirt / 半袖シャツ :
Acne Studios ready-to-wear SS16 “Morag pop white”
rusty orange skirt / パンプキンスカート :
mid-heel leather shoes / ミディアムヒールレザーシューズ :

in this outfit / このコーディネートのアイテム :
shirt blouse / シャツブラウス :
olive green gathered skirt / カーキギャザースカート:
slick mist shimokitazawa


come visit me in my CREEMA shop! peace . love . tokyo

SOLD OUT upcycled clutch!

CREEMA ショップをご覧ください!peace . love . tokyo

販売済み リメイククラッチバッグ!

h a v e  a  n i c e  d a y  / /  良 い 一 日 を


a handmade newborn baby gift

in december alone, i’ve had 3 friends and a cousin in law that had babies. with all the newborns, i was running out of baby gifts to send! last month, i was asked to make a diaper pouch/sheet with a detachable diaper wipe case. this is where i came up with the idea of giving diaper wipe cases! they’re quite useful and can be used for pets, hand wipes, and even around the house.


congratulations new mommies! / ニューママ達おめでとうございます!

there were a couple of points that i based the design on. / デザインポイントは2点ありました。
1. this bitatto removable, reusable plastic lid that keep wipes moist. bitatto attaches to smooth surfaces, like vinyl or the plastic bags that wipes come in. incorporating this type of surface became the main point.

2. this fabric!! well i had saved this fabric for a rainy day, but color coordinating was fun!!

the fabrics
to add some contrast to the outer fabric, i chose a simple striped pattern for the inner layer. / 表の生地と変化をつけるため、シンプルなストライプの裏地を使用しました。

adding a zipper
the zipper in the back makes for a clean and sturdy closure. / ファスナーで取り出しが楽でありながら、しっかり閉まります。

adding vinyl
the main point. sewing on vinyl!! / メインのビニールを縫いつけました。

the bitatto window
tracing the bitatto window. / ビタットの窓口をトレーシング。

finished close up
FINISHED! / 出来上がり!

*i am planning to sell these on one of my shops soon! / 近日中にショップにあげようと思います〜!
*after much thought, i won’t be selling these… i am happy to take commissioned orders, so please do not hesitate to contact me. / いろいろ検討しましたところ、販売はいたしません。オーダーは承っておりますので、お気軽にご連絡くださいませ。
**since the bitatto lid is attached to the case itself, unless to switch colors, the bitatto never needs to come off! / ビタットは、ケースに直接つけているので、特に取り外す必要がない為、より長く使い続けられます。

completed closeup

[d.i.y.] starry night card stock garland

right smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, bustling around for presents, preparing the house for the freezing winter months and the streams of expected guests, i of course had to think up another diy decoration project (well it was more because i had come across these dreamy fairy lights that i’ve been looking for all year) and thanks to my overly ambitious creative mind, i always lose a lot of sleep … but the results are worth it.

クリスマスシーズン真っ只中の今、家族のプレゼント探しから、大掃除、クリスマスパーティの準備などなど、やる事が途絶えない師走のこの時期に、新しいDIYを思いついてしまいました。実を言うと、インスピレーション源は一年中探していたフェアリーライトを niko and… で見つけた事です。睡眠時間削ってでもどうしても作りたかったスターガーランドが完成しました。

LET’S START! / 始めよう!
*sample uses 5 sheets for 30 stars / サンプルは5枚=星30個使っています

what you need / 材料:
1 A4 size card stock (for 6 stars) / A4サイズ厚紙や画用紙1枚(星6枚)
white acrylic paint / 白いアクリル絵の具
sponge for painting / スポンジ
gold spray paint / ゴールドスプレーカラー
printed template (1 sheet=6 stars) / 型紙のプリント(1枚=星6個)
all purpose glue / 糊
scissors / ハサミ
needle or pointed tool / 目打ち
ruler / 定規
cutter / カッター
cord / 紙紐
tape / テープ

paint card stock
1. use a sponge to paint card stock. this adds a marble-type of effect for the first layer! then spray a thin layer of gold paint. (i used strips of leftover cardstock.) / スポンジでアクリルペイントを厚紙に叩くように塗る。マーブル調になります。次にゴールドのスプレーカラーを薄く塗る。(私は余り物の厚紙を使用しているので紙サイズが異なります。)

finished card stock
2. after at least 24 hours of drying the paints, the sheets are ready! i purposely left a couple of sheets uncolored. / 24時間ほどペイントを乾かしたら、紙の準備が終わります!あえて数枚ペイントをしないでいます。

paste individual star templates
3. glue the template to the back of the prepared card stock. make sure to glue the entire surface of each star. since i had irregular sized strips i roughly cut the individual stars out. / 型紙のプリントを厚紙の裏に糊で貼る。しっかり星の中全体を糊付けする事がポイントです。私は余り物の紙を使っていたので、先に型紙を荒く切り分けてから貼りました。

cut individual stars
individual stars
individual stars back
4. cut the individual stars along the outside lines. / 外側の線に沿って星を一つずつ切り抜く。

// set aside the B stars (the plain stars) and we will work on the A stars (the ones with glue tabs and dotted lines) for STEPS 5-7 //
// 一度 Bの星(無地のシンプルな星)をよけて、ステップ5〜7では、Aの星を加工します。//

hole in center
hole in center close up
5. for the A stars (or the stars with tabs) poke a very small hole where the lines meet in the center of the star. / Aの星の線が重なり合う中心点に目打ちで小さく穴を刺す。

star score and fold directions
6. use a cutter to gently score along the lines as shown in above picture. for the lines that need to be scored from the outside, 1. score from the center hole to each of the five points of the star and 2. connect the two points of the glue tab folds. / 上記図の通りにカッターで優しく、浅く溝を切り込む。表面の線は、1. 中心の穴から星の5つの頂点まで一つずつ線を引く。2. のり代の折り線は、端点の間を線を引く。

fold scored lines
7. fold the scored lines. see the picture in step 6.: for the blue lines, the fold (or mountain fold) should be on the outside. for the red lines, the fold (or mountain fold) would be on the inside. / 溝に沿って折る。ステップ6.の図の青い破線は表面が山折りになります。赤い破線は内側が山折りになります。

tape cord
8. returning to the B stars (the plain ones), lay out your cord and plan where to attach the B stars. tape the garland cord onto the insides of these stars. / ここからBの星(無地タイプ)に戻ります。ガーランドの紐とBの星の位置を決めます。Bの星の内側に紐をテープで固定します。

star completed
completed star side
9. find the corresponding sized A star for each B star from step 8 (star sizes 1-3). place a small amount of glue on the glue tabs on both sides of a single star point and attach to B star. this step takes a lot of patience: hold the point in place for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. then move on to the next two glue tabs, and repeat until you complete the star. remember, PATIENCE IS KEY! / テープで固定したB星のサイズ(1〜3)に合うA星を探す。一つの頂点の両のり代に少量の糊をつける。丁寧にB星にのせ、30秒〜1分間手で押し付ける。このステップでは、一回に一つの頂点を終わらせてから次の頂点へ進めます。気長〜に丁寧に進めるのがキーポイントです!!

FINISHED! / 出来上がり!
they really are dreamy when combined with these fairy lights! / フェアリーライトと組み合わせて暗い部屋でも暖かくて夢のような空間に仕上がりました。

completed with christmas tree
this is what it looks like with the christmas tree. i plan on keeping them up through the winter (or maybe through the year…) though. / クリスマスツリーと組み合わせています。クリスマスだけでなく、少なくても冬の間はずっと飾り続ける予定です!

h a p p y  h o l i d a y s ! !

all cards

[etsy samples] illustrating holiday cards

it’s the holiday season! which means many people around the world are rushing to get their holiday greeting cards in the mail and on their way to loved ones. as i mentioned before, i originally began selling the cards i personally made for myself to send, and this year i’m using these from my Etsy shop. take a look below to see how i personalized the simple minimal holiday cards.


let it snow
let it snow / 雪やこんこん♬

ornaments / オーナメント

christmas lights
christmas lights / クリスマスライト

jingle bells
jingle bells / ジングルベル

milk and cookies
milk & cookies / クッキーと牛乳

wreath making
wreath making / リース作り

may you all have a wonderful holiday season!!

[new on etsy] simple holiday cards

come visit me in my ETSY shop! / ETSY ショップをご覧ください〜

>>> peace . love . tokyo <<<

2015 holiday cards are a new addition to the colorable greeting card series!
デコれるカードシリーズに、新商品が仲間入り♬ 2015年版クリスマスカード!

H A P P Y  H A P P Y
H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S . . .

. . . T O  Y O U !

|| 2014年版クリスマスカードはセール開催中! ||